
Eliminate unwanted behaviors and achieve goals easily using the power of your unconscious mind.


Eliminate unwanted behaviors and achieve goals easily using the power of your unconscious mind.

80-minute experience



8 Sessions: $1200

4 Sessions: $650

1 Session: $175

In your first 80-minute appointment, we’ll discuss your general lifestyle, your current objectives and your motivation for change. We’ll pinpoint when the issue is a problem, when it is worse or better, how it affects you, how would you like it to be. Together, we’ll identify goals that are positive, realistic, believable and achievable. Using hypnotic suggestion in accordance with your goals, we then rapidly reframe/reprogram negative old beliefs and reset emotional responses to support new possibilities, positive change and behaviors that result in success.

Hypnosis is an interactive, cooperative experience and that we build together. Each subsequent session begins with a short interview to determine your progress and how your goals are evolving. New post-hypnotic suggestions are anchored, empowering you to access inner resources and further manifest the desired change. The number of appointments required varies depending on client needs, but generally just a few sessions will produce meaningful lasting results.

The result is increased coherence, greater well-being and reduced stress, enabling a relaxed feeling of being comfortably in control of your life. These sessions can be effectively used for overcoming fears, increasing confidence, eliminating unwanted thought patterns or behaviors, increasing motivation, aligning intentions, and maximizing your effectiveness in life.

It is important to listen to the personalized recording for 21 days to embed the permanent shift in your subconscious mind, reinforcing new life strategies and lasting changes that make maintaining your goals automatic.

200-minute experience

Quit Smoking: A Two Session Program


2 Session Program: $350

A powerful two session approach. In the first session, YOU become a NON-SMOKER. The second session is devoted to reinforcing all the new beliefs, and to eliminate any other issues that may arise.

The two-session smoking cessation program includes two in-person sessions, a personalized hypnotic reinforcement recording, and email support. (The first session lasts approximately 120 minutes and, the second lasts about 80 minutes), The fee for both sessions is due at the conclusion of the first.

It is important to listen to the personalized recording for 21 days to support the permanent shift in your subconscious mind, effectively reinforcing new life strategies and lasting lifestyle changes that make maintaining your new status as a non-smoker automatic.

80-minute experience

Weight Loss


8 Sessions (recommended): $1200

4 Sessions: $650

During the first 80-minute session, we learn what is causing the eating behavior that results in your unhappiness. The reasons you overeat may not be clear to you, but there are only a few major causes. After we pinpoint the times, locations, and reasons you overeat, you can begin to change your previous patterns with well thought out alternatives that genuinely appeal to you. Together, we’ll identify goals that are positive, realistic, believable and achievable. Hypnosis will relax you and reprogram negative old habits that have sabotaged your weight goal efforts in the past.

After your first hypnosis session, your thoughts and behavior around food begin to change immediately. You’ll find yourself easily establishing new habits for when, where, why and what you eat. You’ll begin experiencing a desire for healthier foods that contain fewer fats, carbs and calories, and find yourself disinterested in emotional eating.

Hypnosis for weight loss is not a diet. It is a sensible approach and proven method of changing your habitual behavior around food and eating. It is important to listen to the personalized recording for 21 days to support the permanent shift in your subconscious mind, effectively reinforcing new life strategies and lasting lifestyle changes that make maintaining your weight goal automatic.

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The hypnotism services I render to the public are defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis. I do not represent my services as any form of medical, behavioral or mental health care, and despite research to the contrary, by law, I may make no health benefit claims for my services. I utilize hypnotism to help clients wherein I coach or guide to motivate individuals to achieve their goals. Hypnotism for medical or psychological problems requires a written referral from a licensed practitioner of those healing arts.